Tuesday, March 30, 2010

did you know? part 2

* Peanuts are used to manufacture dynamite.
* An ear of corn always has an even number of rows.
*On average, each of us consumes: 290 pounds of dairy, 150 pounds of meat, 125 pounds of potatoes, 80 pounds of fruit, 68 pounds of bread, 48 pounds of poultry, and 35 pounds of eggs per year.
* Only male turkeys gobble…female turkeys make a clicking sound.
* An apple, when fresh, is made up of about 25% air…that is why they float in the barrel when we “Bob-for-apples”.
* The smaller the size of a berry, the sweeter its taste.
* A well-done steak, especially if it has “charred” portions, contains much higher levels of carcinogens than a medium-done or rare steak.
* The fat on raw steak or chicken, slices off super easily if the meat is partially frozen.
* There are 1,200 varieties of watermelon.
* Iceberg lettuce is 90 percent water, and therefore, of negligible nutrient value.
* The world record for eating cheesecake is 11 pounds eaten in nine minutes – by Sonya Thomas, who weighs 105 pounds.
* Diet soda has not been proven to aid in weight loss. In fact, it’s been shown to actually increase hunger.
* Whenever a recipe for cake or muffins calls for oil, applesauce can be substituted
* Watermelon and cucumbers are among a dog’s favorite foods…once they are introduced to them, of course. And these foods supply valuable enzymes to a dog’s system.
* Coca-Cola was originally green.


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