Monday, April 12, 2010

the 5 second rule...

i know each and every one of you have used this rule to justify away a dropped piece of deliciousness on at least one occasion.  You're about to put something in your mouth... it drops... you still want it... so you look around at who saw and then say "5 second rule" as you put it back in your mouth.

Though I know this is not exactly recipe or cooking related - a similar incidence happened to me today that I feel like sharing.

So i'm on my way back to the office from lunch... fresh turkey wrap from freshii in my hand... and I am going through those stupid spinning push doors and my heel gets stuck in those annoying little metal slits that look as though they have been made to terrorize women in stilettos.  Its so stuck I cannot move and the spinny door is slamming me from behind.  These two women rush over to help me and so I ended up having to take off my shoe and I was crouched over pulling it with both hands.  When I finally got it out, there was so much force from my pulling I flew backwards and landed on my back - purse flying - freshii wrap rolling away.....

not the coolest moment of my life BUT luckily the majority of my wrap stayed in its wrapping so it was totally okay (right?)

moral of the story.

freshii is good even if eaten off the floor.

spinny doors are the devil.

1 comment:

  1. Spinny doors ARE the devil.

    It is a miracle this does not happen to us everyday. Considering I drop food everywhere - and then you make fun of me
